This was my first attempt at a video. Our assignment was to shoot something-anything of our choice, so I thought of this idea. We were to not have any audio from the video clips and the song, well I wasn't sure if it could have vocals or not so I chose to just do acoustic. This is a really short clip, I think about 2-3 minutes.
I am the "turd in the punch bowl at senior prom" because unlike most of the other students my camera isn't video capable. I was forced to do this with a home camcorder that belongs to our instructor Kelly Kerr. Thanks for lending it to me, Kelly!!
I also would like to say thank you to Chris Lenardo for allowing us to shoot in his place of business and for being such a good sport and participating in the making of this clip. Plus I couldn't have completed the editing process with all my hair, lol, without my little friend, Elly Stewart, thanks Girl!! And last but not least, a BIG thanks goes out to Ashley and Michael for being at my beck and call!!
Tip: double click on the play button and allow it to download completely first. This will allow you to be able to view the clip without any stoppage.