Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter Special!!!

Hey Guys!!! I hope everyone is staying warm and snugly the past week. bbbuuuurrrrr!!!! I know I have!! I also know that I have come to love love love the snow. The brightness, pureness, beauty.... I guess I may be getting older and wiser. Bahhahaha!!! Maybe not!

Anywhoo I was thinking, If this snow really comes like it did the first time and blankets our surroundings I was wondering how many would be interested in braving the weather for some AWEsomE winter portraits. This would be the perfect time to bundle the little ones up in their cutest most colorful winter hats, scarves, and coats and get those adorable one of a kind snow white portraits!! These would only be 10-15 minutes at a time and I will work up some package deals for you guys. I will be deciding on this within the next day or two so if you are interested shoot on over to Facebook and let me hear from you! If you aren't a fan yet...WELL become one!!! LOL!! Search-Shots Photography or me directly- Jessica Hackler. I cant wait to hear from you!!